Health Provider
Attune Therapeutic Services / Joanne Solari, LCSW
(609) 469-1222
Specializing in adolescents, families, and adults. Services provided by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified School Social Worker.
Specialty training include Comprehensive Clinical Training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Substance Abuse, Trauma Center/JRI- Complexity of Adaptation to Trauma, Vicarious Trauma & Self-Care & ARC Treatment Framework (Attachment, Self-Regulation, & Competency). Completion of the NASW-NJ Clinical Social Work Supervision Certification Course.
Eligibility | Currently accepting United Healthcare/Oxford and BC/BS. For those with out-of-network mental health benefits we will submit your claims electronically. |
Age Groups |
Community Services |
Family & Support Services |
Health Services |
Behavioral / Mental Health
Crisis / Safety |
Treatment Services |
Outpatient Services
Treatment Settings
Payment Options |
Last Updated: 10/18/23