About Us

Capitol County Children’s Collaborative serves children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral health care challenges and their families; and children with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families ages 5-21.
Capitol County Children's Collaborative provides a care management and service planning for children with complex needs. We strive to keep children and adolescents in their communities, in school and out of trouble through:
- An individualized service plan
- Customized supports
- Flexible services
- Increased choice and family independence
About PerformCare:
PerformCare New Jersey partners with the state of New Jersey’s Division of Children’s System of Care (CSOC) as the single point of entry for all children, adolescents and young adults (up to age 21) who are in need of behavioral health, or developmental and intellectual disability, or certain substance abuse treatment services.
How we help Starting with just one phone call, to (877) 652-7624, PerformCare can help a parent or guardian connect their child to the behavioral health, substance abuse and developmental disability services they need to be well and thrive. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. PerformCare staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide individualized care to eligible children.