Community Resource

Attitudes in Reverse (AIR) / Student Suicide Prevention

(609) 945-3200

Attitudes in Reverse (AIR) / Student Suicide Prevention

Attitudes In Reverse® seeks to end the stigma of mental disorders in society so that those suffering from mental pain can seek the help they need and through that help we will ultimately defeat the only remaining disorders with a strong universal stigma. “Start the Conversation to Safe a Life.”

Mental illness is like A.I.R. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. It is all around us!

AIR is about LIFE. It is about education to preserve life.

Our main goal is to reach youth. Schools prepare them for SATs, ACT's but little discussion takes place about mental health and suicide prevention. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death on college campuses. Schools teach about drugs and addiction, but no one teaches that most drug ABUSE is due to the self-medication of untreated mental health issues.

The feedback we have received from teachers was, "we know this NEEDS to be communicated to students, but we don't know the right way to teach it". Presentation is not only appropriate for high school students but also for:

  • Teaching staff
  • Parent/Teacher Organizations
  • Church Youth Groups
  • Scouting Organizations
  • Any group where we can reach the high school age student
Health Services
Behavioral / Mental Health
Crisis / Safety

Last Updated: 05/15/24